The Policy Management & Development program is supported by the Audit & Policy Coordinator (APC). The APC provides policy management and development services by researching, managing, and developing relevant policies for the campus community. Additionally, the APC coordinates between Audit Services and Policy Management & Development programs, creating a unique perspective for the campus. Combining audit and policy work allows the campus to leverage internal and external audit findings when implementing new policies, procedures and, where necessary, strengthening internal controls. As a result, the university can increase achievements in operations, reporting, and compliance objectives.
California State University Policy Library
The California State University (CSU) Policy Library is the university's repository for all systemwide policies that establish oversight, guidelines, and procedures for nearly every aspect of the 23 campuses and the Office of the Chancellor. The library is available to all CSU employees as well as the general public.
Campuswide Policies
Campuswide Policies are guiding principles at the Cabinet or departmental-level and are tied to a campus-specific business process where a CSU policy does not provide sufficient guidance. Policies provide direction to the campus community on campus business processes, activities, or functions.
University Executive Directive
University Executive Directives (UED) are guiding principles that promote consistency and operational efficiency, enhance our mission, mitigate significant organizational risk, and apply to the university. UEDs may provide guidance to the campus on compliance with relevant laws, regulations, or CSU policies.
Need assistance from the Audit & Policy Coordinator?
The Audit & Policy Coordinator (APC) is available to assist or provide guidance to departments and/or committees throughout the Policy Development & Approval process. Below is a summary of the services provided by the APC:
- Facilitate the Policy Development & Approval process with the support of Executive Director of Quality Assurance & Audit Services.
- Help determine if the new policy should become a University Executive Directive (UED) or a departmental Policy.
- Identify subject matter experts (e.g., University Counsel, Human Resources, Risk & Safety Services, Student Affairs - Dean of Students) to be consulted.
- Post the draft UED or Policy on the Drafts Under Review webpage to provide the campus community an opportunity to review and comment.
- Support campus communication as applicable following the finalization of the policy.
Please do not hesitate to email with any policy questions!
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