Our Projects

Audit Services

Audit Services serves as a liaison between San Francisco State University and external audit agencies. Audit Services also assists the University in accomplishing its objectives by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the organization's governance, risk management, and internal controls.

Project Title Description Start Date Complete Date Collaborators
University Corporation Documents submitted and accepted by the Chancellor's Office Audit & Advisory Services. October 2023   University Corporation

Electronic Signatures

Quality Assurance has facilitated the campus adoption and implementation of DocuSign, an electronic signature solution tool. The use of electronic signatures has streamlined campus processes, enhanced security, and compliance, and provided a sustainable way to conduct University business.

Project Title Description Start Date Complete Date Collaborators
Workflow Tool Researching workflow tools that will support the University in (1) connecting to the campus's core systems, (2) configuring role-based approval routing that aligns with campus DOA and CSU policies, (3) automating transactional processing to create end-to-end business processes, (4) providing real-time tracking capabilities and customizable notifications, (5) generating report for process and workflow analytics, and, most importantly, (6) helping to building a more fixed and deliberate workforce Spring 2023 Ongoing ITS' Web & Mobile Applications team
Financial Aid forms Migrating AY2024/25 Financial Aid student-facing processes (52) to DocuSign January 2024 June 2024 Financial Aid
StarRez - DocuSign Widget In collaboration with ITS, Quality Assurance is defining the criteria and supporting the creation of the DocuSign service account and implementing the StarRez DocuSign widget for the AY2024/2025 Student Housing License Agreement January 2024 May 2024 Housing - Conference & Event Services; 
Housing - Student Housing;
ITS' Cloud and System Services team;
ITS' Web and Mobile Applications team
Registrar's Office forms Scheduled bi-weekly meetings with the Registrar's Office to discuss, update, and convert 39 student-facing forms into electronic business processes January 2024 Fall 2024 Division of Graduate Studies;
Registrar's Office; 
Undergraduate Advising Center (UAC);
Undergraduate Education and Academic Planning (DUEAP)
Conflict Resolution Program Assisting the Program Director to create an electronic process for SF State students February 2024 March 2024 Division of Graduate
Registrar's Office
EOC processes Facilitating the creation of signing groups for each area (Logistics, Finance/Admin, Planning, and Operations) and steps to digitizing the EOC forms March 2024 Spring 2024 Office of Emergency Services


All Administration & Finance practice directives are maintained by Quality Assurance on the Policies and Practice Directives website. Quality Assurance also works collaboratively with departments to develop and update their practice directives and procedures by conducting research on best practices, creating draft documents, and providing an opportunity for customer feedback. As policy specialists, Quality Assurance and Audit Services provide guidance and solutions to inquiries regarding policy matters. 

Project Title Description Start Date Complete Date Collaborators
TPM Solicitation Document Assisting Risk and Safety Services with creating a Solicitation Directive document detailing solicitation activities on campus. January 2024   Risk & Safety Services 
Payment Card Policy  Assisted with the coordination, updating, and formatting the policy for campus consumption and posting February 2024   Administration & Finance 
Event Scheduling Policy  Collaborating with QA to research and create a campus-wide Event Scheduling Policy February 2024   Quality Assurance 

Process Improvement and Change Management

As the campus subject matter expert on continuous process improvement, Quality Assurance is committed to using best practices and leveraging available technologies to optimize various departments’ operations and services. Quality Assurance works alongside departments to redesign and implement processes that are more customer-oriented and streamlined. For change management, Quality Assurance applies the Prosci methodology to prepare, equip, and support departments undergoing changes. The change management methodology is a structured and flexible approach that allows change practitioners to apply and develop strategies and plans that assist with the adoption and usage of a particular initiative.

Project Title Description Start Date Complete Date Collaborators
Process Improvement Advisory Team (PIAT) Discussions Schedule monthly meetings with representatives from across campus to discuss process improvement ideas for campus business processes, functions, and activities May 2023 Ongoing PIAT
Recognized Student Organization Special Event Applications QA worked jointly with Risk and Student Engagement to (1) revise the application process to include current practices and event planning procedures; (2) redesign the application process (to a 2-part process) which will require students to initiate and track their applications in DocuSign; (3) connect student organization's event requests with the appropriate Event Professional Summer 2023 Spring 2024 Associated Students, Inc.; 
Risk & Safety Services;
Student Engagement: Activities & Events
Event Scheduling Tool Consulted with key campus areas to gain insight on event scheduling best practices and procedures in their respective event venues and spaces Spring 2023 Spring 2025 Academic Resources;
Alumni Relations & Engagements; 
Associated Students, Inc.; 
Housing - Conference & Event Services;
Risk & Safety Services;
Student Engagement: Activities & Events;
Other Event Units
Temporary Faculty Performance Evaluation Forms QA worked jointly with Faculty Affairs to revise the Temporary faculty performance evaluation form, aligning with the CFA collective bargaining agreement. The improvement efforts also includes the use of DocuSign to standardize the evaluation review process and streamline the document processing to OnBase.   June 2024 Faculty Affairs;
Human Resources