Quality Assurance and Audit Services is a part of the Office of the Vice President and CFO and both departments are led by Jesús Garcia, the Executive Director of Quality Assurance & Audit Services.

Text version of the organizational chart:
Jeff Wilson, Vice President & CFO, Administration & Finance
Jesús Garcia, Executive Director, Quality Assurance & Audit Services
- phone: (415) 338-6602
Audit Services
- Jessica Perkinson, Audit & Policy Coordinator
- email: jperkinson@sfsu.edu
- phone: (415) 405-4425
Quality Assurance
- Anna Navarrete, Public Records Coordinator
- email: sfstatepra@sfsu.edu
- Cheryl Leung, Senior Process Improvement Specialist
- email: csyleung@sfsu.edu
- phone: (415) 338-2717
- Karyn Huynh, Quality Assurance Analyst
- email: kkhuynh@sfsu.edu
- phone: (415) 405-4409