Solicitation Directive


Administration & Finance


Enterprise Risk Management

Contact Information: 

Risk Manager / Michael Beatty / (415) 338-1124 /

Effective Date: 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


University Executive Directive #89-13: Time, Place, and Manner: Use of Buildings and Grounds

University Tabling Directive

Title V of the California Code of Regulations (Section 42350.5)



This Directive outlines the requirements by which all “non-campus-affiliated persons” engaging in solicitation activities on the San Francisco State University campus must abide. “Non-campus-affiliated persons” is defined as

  • any person not matriculated at, or employed by, San Francisco State University
  • Any person not employed by a recognized Auxiliary Organization
  • Any organization not registered with and approved by San Francisco State University (including but not limited to student organizations that are not currently registered with and approved by the University)

Persons matriculated at San Francisco State University (including students representing registered and approved student organizations) or employed by San Francisco State University or its recognized Auxiliary Organizations are not subject to this Directive.

As defined in Title V of the California Code of Regulations (Section 42350.5), “Solicitation” means to importune, or endeavor to persuade or obtain by asking, but does not include “commercial” solicitation.

Solicitation on a college campus, in a general context, refers to the act of requesting, seeking, or trying to obtain something from someone. On a university campus, solicitation can encompass a wide range of activities, including but not limited to:

  1. Fundraising and donations
  2. Collecting email addresses or personal information
  3. Signature collections for political referenda
  4. Membership recruitment
  5. Advertising or selling products or services
  6. Distributing informational literature
  7. Distributing materials, including samples
  8. Participation in surveys or studies
  9. Campaign advocacy, awareness, and support (political or otherwise)
  10.  Sales not governed by another policy or directive


University Executive Directive #89-13: Time, Place and Manner: Use of Buildings and Grounds permits reasonable regulation by the Campus President or designee as to time, place, and manner thereof.

  1. Solicitation is prohibited inside any campus building including, but not limited to, academic buildings, recreational facilities, dining halls and the campus library.
  2. Solicitation is prohibited within thirty feet from any principal entrance or exit of any campus building.
  3. No person shall solicit in any outdoor dining area of restaurants or other dining establishments serving food for immediate consumption.
  4. No person shall solicit to persons who are waiting to gain admissions to a place or vehicle or who are waiting to purchase an item or admission ticket.
  5. Any such solicitations near a campus building in accordance with this section shall only take place between the hours of eight a.m. and one-half hour after sunset. Such solicitation may not involve any type of sound amplification, such as, but not limited to, stereos, megaphones, etc.
  6. Persons subject to this Directive who have been authorized to conduct solicitation are prohibited from erecting structures, including tables or canopies, on campus, per University Executive Directive #89-13: Time, Place and Manner: Use of Buildings and Grounds.
  7. Persons subject to this Directive who have been authorized to conduct solicitation are prohibited from tabling on campus, per University Tabling Directive.

For Questions/Additional Information about Solicitation: 

Contact Enterprise Risk Management at

Searchable Words:

Solicitation, fundraising, signature collection, political referenda, advertising