University Tabling


Administration & Finance


Enterprise Risk Management

Contact Information: 

Risk Manager / Michael Beatty / (415) 338-1124 /

Effective Date: 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Revised Date: 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


University Executive Directive #89-13: Time, Place, and Manner: Use of Buildings and Grounds


This Policy outlines the requirements by which all TABLING activities on Campus must abide by.  “TABLING” is defined as any activity involving the use of tables (and chairs) or other free-standing structures.


General Tabling Rules

Tabling is limited to San Francisco State University (SFSU) recognized student organizations (RSOs), students, faculty, and staff; external organizations sponsored by a university auxiliary organization (Associated Students/U CORP) or university department; or participating in the SFSU Vendor Program. 

Organizations or individuals unaffiliated with SFSU are not allowed to table on campus.

General Tabling Procedures

  • The tabling entity must always display or have available a valid tabling permit while tabling on SFSU property.
  • Tabling is permitted Monday - Friday between 8 AM and 6 PM when Fall and Spring semester classes are in session.
  • Tabling is not permitted the last full week of classes each semester, finals week, summer, winter, and spring breaks. If the University is closed for any reason, tabling is also cancelled/not permitted.
  • Fines may be incurred for damaged  property used during TABLING.
    • The student officer/department/organization representative filling out the permit is responsible for informing the organization/department of the relevant University policies and procedures, including Executive Directive #89-13.
    • All tables and chairs must be placed on cement sidewalks, not on grass areas.
  • Assigned tabling locations are very specific and consider the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and fire lane access— tabling may only occur in assigned locations.
  • Tabling permits are issued one week at a time. Designated tabling spaces are assigned in the order they are requested. 
  • Tabling Permit requests must be submitted at least two business days prior to first tabling Day.
  • Any department, club, or organization tabling must clean up their area and must not leave any garbage, gear, or tabling materials behind after their tabling has concluded. Fines may be issued for littering and excessive garage left behind after tabling. Tabling activities and engagement must not discriminate based on race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. The organization shall have no rules or policies that discriminate based on race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. Tabling activities that violate this policy will be required to suspend tabling activities and/or lose tabling privileges.

Audio/Visual Recording Rules

Individuals or groups who intend to record interactions and post them online must disclose that to those being recorded prior to recording.  If filming is taking place as part of tabling activities, as a condition of being issued a tabling permit, individuals or groups must post signage visible to those walking by or near the table indicating that there is filming occurring in the area. The university reserves the right to post signage notifying those in the area that the individual or group tabling may record and post interactions.

Recognized Student Organizations:

  • The student organization interested in tabling must be a SFSU recognized by the Student Activities & Events Office (SAE), Student Affairs and Enrollment Management (SAEM) division and listed on the approved list of recognized student organizations which can be found on GatorXperience
  • Student organizations can submit a tabling request form through the GatorXperience site.
  • Departments or class projects requesting tabling can reach out to
  • If food of any kind is to be served, the student organization will need to apply for a food permit by contacting

Any group’s failure to abide by Student Engagement & Transition’s policies will result in the following consequence(s):

  • First Infraction: A warning will be issued in person and via-email regarding the infraction.
  • Second Infraction: An official sanction will be emailed to the President, Treasurer and Advisor citing the specific violations.
  • Third Infraction: An official sanction will be emailed to the President, Treasurer and Advisor citing specific violations. If the infraction is severe enough, the student organization will not be permitted to table for the rest of the semester.
  • Student Activities and Events reserves the right to suspend tabling and equipment loans at any time.

Commercial Vendor Program (Off-Campus For-Profit Entities):

Commercial vendors authorized to engage in commercial transactions as described in this policy are permitted on campus through the Vendor Program and with sponsorship by a university-recognized student organization.

  • Commercial vendors with student organization sponsorship may conduct tabling activities on campus, in designated areas on Centennial Walkway with prior approval, during the fall and spring semesters. All commercial vendor activities shall be subject to the provisions of this policy and University Executive Directive #89-13.
  • Registered Student Organizations seeking to sponsor a vendor should visit the Student Activities & Events Office to learn more about the Vendor Program.
  • An appointed representative of the “sponsoring” Registered Student Organization must always be present at any commercial vendor table.
  • Commercial vendors seeking to apply for authorization to sell, promote or advertise products or services on Campus must:
  1. Contact the Vendor Program Coordinator in Student Engagement & Transition
  2. Contact and discuss sponsorship with assigned student organization
  3. The Vendor Program Coordinator will be in contact within 5 business days to provide the final steps and any additional information

External Non-Profit 510©3 Organizations or Governmental Agencies

Non-profit  organizations or governmental agencies are prohibited from tabling unless “sponsored” by a campus department or Auxiliary Organization.  See Campus Departments or Recognized Auxiliary Organizations.

Campus Departments or Auxiliary Organizations (tabling or sponsoring an external organization’s tabling activities)

  • Campus Departments or Recognized Auxiliary Organizations, whether tabling or sponsoring the tabling activities of an external organization, must request tabling space through the Office of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). An appointed Campus representative must complete the online Departmental Tabling Permit Form.
  • If approved, ERM will issue an electronic tabling permit. This permit must always be available for review at the physical location while tabling. 
  • Assigned tabling locations are very specific and consider the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and fire lane access— tabling may only occur in assigned locations.
  • An appointed representative of the “sponsoring” Campus Department or Recognized Auxiliary Organization must always be present at any external organization table.
  • These sponsored external organizations must supply their own equipment for tabling. These sponsored external organizations are permitted to bring only one table and a maximum of two chairs.  These groups are not allowed to move or use Cesar Chavez Student Center chairs and/or dining tables and must use available space without disrupting diners. Additionally, all stairways and pedestrian walkways must always remain clear.
  • All activities will be subject to the provisions of this Policy and University Executive Directive #89-13.
  • Failure to abide by the University Executive Directive #89-13 will result in suspension or revocation of tabling privileges.

For Questions/Additional Information: 

Vendor Program: contact Summer Smith at or (415) 405-3060; or Chris Trudell at or (415) 338-1304

Departments, or Class/Student Projects: Please email for more information.

University Departments or University Personnel: Please contact Enterprise Risk Management at or (415) 405-3522

Searchable Words:

Tabling, vendors, selling on campus