Web Pages


Administration & Finance


Information Technology Services

Contact Information: 

Nish Malik / Senior Associate Vice President (AVP) and Chief Information Officer (CIO) / (415) 405-4105 / nish@sfsu.edu

Effective Date: 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Revised Date: 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Information Security Responsible Use Policy


This Policy provides guidance, minimum content-neutral standards and Web Accessibility Standards for maintaining web pages on SF State university servers and websites run or operated by third parties on behalf of SF State thus contributing to the university's web presence.



Web Oversight and Management

Information Technology Services (ITS) manages the resources and technical issues regarding web accounts, University servers, web content management systems, and system configurations. ITS also oversees all aspects relating to maintenance of the main San Francisco State University web server.

Strategic Marketing and Communications (SMC) is responsible for determining the organizational structure and appearance of the University's main home page and first-level or index pages directly linked from the main page. SMC is also responsible for the branding aspects of the web pages including the web template. The Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) works together with the campus to address the usability and accessibility of the websites contained within the SF State web environment.

These units meet periodically to review SF State's web and make recommendations about the Web Page Policy, working in concert with related units such as the Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) and Academic Technology.

Purpose & Scope

The web Page Policy provides guidance and minimum content-neutral standards and Web Accessibility Standards for maintaining web pages on university servers and websites run or operated by third parties on behalf of SF State thus contributing to the university's web presence. University web space is provided primarily to support the academic and administrative functions of the university. University-related web pages are an important means of conducting university business, including but not limited to advancement, communication, education, research and scholarship. SF State offers web pages for the following sites:

  • Official university sites
  • Group sites
  • Faculty sites
  • Coursework 

SF State has implemented this Policy to:

  • Identify users that are allowed to establish a web page hosted by SF State
  • Promote the use of web pages in a manner consistent with the mission of the university
  • Safeguard the reputation of the university and avoid improper or illegal use by commercial entities
  • Provide clarity for users of the system
  • Protect the privacy and security of confidential information and maintain operations

Policy & Appropriate Use

Web pages are maintained on university servers and must abide by these requirements:


  • SF State is strongly committed to ensuring access to web-based information and information technologies for individuals with disabilities as required by California State University Executive Order 1111, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 11135 of the California Government Code, and other applicable policies and laws. Official web pages and other official University information, services and learning resources delivered electronically must comply with current campus standards and guidelines to ensure reasonable access by affected individuals.
  • Material placed on the web pages are expected to meet academic standards of proper spelling, grammar and accuracy of information and follow SF State’s identity system guidelines (logo, typography, color, stationery, templates, etc.)
  • The web page should refrain from displaying for promotional purposes, the logo or other commercial insignia of a vendor
  • The content on the web pages content must be consistent with the CSU Responsible Use Policy including: hosting link farms, distributing malware, and any activity that results in economic gain
  • Passwords or other sensitive data must be encrypted while in transit over the network. Servers that authenticate users must do so over encrypted protocols such as HTTPS or SSL. All web pages must protect confidential data and be in compliance with the University’s policy on Safeguarding Information and Server Security.
  • To reduce the likelihood of confusion, any web page maintained on a University server or using an sfsu.edu domain that is not an official university site must contain the following disclaimer:

This web page is not a publication of San Francisco State University, nor is it in any way sponsored or endorsed or created on authority of a university department or administrative unit. The author(s) of this page is/are solely responsible for its content.

  • SF State has the right to exercise control over the content and/or style of web pages so long as its actions are reasonably related to legitimate concerns
  • San Francisco State University respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it to the extent possible, subject to applicable state and federal law, through our compliance with our privacy policies and this Privacy Notice.

Official University Sites

  • SF State provides web content management systems and related tools to create web pages to all University departments and programs
  • All web pages created by University departments, programs, and administrative offices are, by definition, "official" in that they must have the approval of the appropriate administrator before being posted to the web
  • College Deans and administrators will have full content publishing authority for school, department, or program administrative web pages within their colleges
  • When using University graphic images/logos, the web pages should use the standard versions available on SF State’s Identity System Guidelines. The official University seal or logo cannot be altered in any way. However, they can be resized if the graphic proportions are retained
  • All SF State web sites must be in compliance with ITS supported applications and software versions
  • All SF State web applications deployed on or off campus must be in compliance with the universities Web Application Development and Security

Group Sites

  • SF State provides web content management systems and related tools to create web pages to student organizations, managed by Student Activities & Events
  • Active SF State faculty and emeritus can create group sites without approval
  • SF State staff must have approval from a Management Personnel Plan (MPP) administrator to create a group site
  • The group site must be owned or sponsored by an active SF State faculty, emeritus, or administrator. If the group site owner or sponsor leaves SF State, the group must assign a new eligible site owner or sponsor, or the site may be deleted
  • SF State student organizations must register through Student Activities & Events to create a group site
  • The group site owner or sponsor can request to have the site deleted

Faculty Sites

  • SF State provides web content management systems and related tools to create web pages for faculty, faculty projects, and faculty research. 
  • Faculty may establish web pages to showcase individual research and academic achievements, for use with class activities, for special projects and research teams, or to provide a resource for other faculty. Faculty will be responsible for maintaining web pages they own including project web pages
  • SF State reserves the right to remove faculty sites authored by active and/or emeritus faculty that no longer maintains an employment relationship with SF State without notice as part of its routine maintenance
  • All SF State faculty sites must be in compliance with ITS supported applications and software versions
  • The site owner can request to have the site deleted

Coursework Sites

  • SF State provides web pages to faculty and to students enrolled in specific major/minor and specified courses or upon sponsorship from one of their faculty
  • Material presented in the student's web page should be related to the student's educational and career preparation activities
  • Students may create web sites as part of class activity; the web site should meet the educational objectives of the class activity
  • San Francisco State University reserves the right to delete web pages authored by a student a year after they no longer maintain an academic relationship and/or upon termination of their sponsorship with SF State without notice as part of its routine maintenance
  • Faculty may establish web pages for use with class activities or to provide a resource for other faculty. Faculty will be responsible for maintaining their class or educational resource web pages
  • SF State reserves the right to remove coursework sites authored by active and/or emeritus faculty that no longer maintains an employment relationship with SF State without notice as part of its routine maintenance
  • The Coursework site owner or can request to have the site deleted


Submit any apparent violation of Web Page Policy to the appropriate administrative authority (vice president, dean, director, department, or program chair) or to webabuse@sfsu.edu.


Noncompliance with applicable policies and/or practices may result in removal of web pages or directories from the main web server and/or removal of links to the site from the upper-level University web pages. In addition, disciplinary action may be applicable under other University policies, guidelines, implementing procedures, or collective bargaining agreements.